Very often, working on a complex project involves calling a lot of people to share their knowledge. The work sessions/ days/ workshops with a lot of people (we have confirmed that we can manage up to 100 people effectively) require an exhaustive preparation in order to deliver value. At Momentumco we have specialized in managing workshops of up to 100 people who work on different formats with a view to achieving the intended goals.
Some of the experiences that we have been working on include thinking about future challenges among the various territorial delegations of a professional group, the collaborative work between entrepreneurs and teams of professionals with a view to finding out how the municipal sector can promote the economy, or a team of professionals and public managers from around the world who get together in order to make progress on a city management protocol.
In general, these are one or two-day meetings, holding 50-100 people who work as a full group in workshops following a strategic analysis process aimed at addressing the issue/ set objective.
The latest experiences in such projects have been:
- Catalonia 2020 Digital Administration Forum
- Barcelona City and Tourist
- Civic Council Bilbao
- Barcelona Growing considerations
- Columbus (LISBOA session).
At a small scale (around 15 people), we hold strategic analysis sessions which, in a short time (around 2-4 hours) and taking into account the opinion of all those called, allow to address the set objectives. Some examples are: Strategic Issues identification (Bilbao Council), Sessions with experts within the elaboration of the Tourism Strategic Plan Barcelona 2020, working plan for the international network of law firms Consulegis and various participative sessions with citizens in order to build the municipal action plan from Barcelona.