From data to knowledge: report building

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More than 10 years ago, organizations had the “fashion” to build Integrated Scorecards, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the four perspectives for structuring strategic objectives. This was because, among other things, there were significant limitations in obtaining data. But this lack meant that more resources were devoted to the conceptualization of the reports generated.

In today’s time, thanks to technological advances, the avalanche of datasets with very high volumes of data from different applications and platforms, makes our customers face situations in which, in order to properly read the data and to be able to make better decisions, a number of relevant tasks need to be performed.
We summarize them in the following:

  • diagnosis of the sources of information and the quality of the data they provide
  • identification of the indicators needed to report
  • offline design of the reports to be implemented
  • validation of the design and the periodicity of the update
  • construction of reporting and sharing with those involved
  • continuous improve

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