Encouraging participation

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Encouraging participation

Encouraging collaboration and diversity of ideas

The structuring of participatory processes, the design and analysis of online surveys and the facilitation of brainstorming sessions are fundamental tools for encouraging collaboration and diversity of ideas in the organizational environment. The use of innovative participation dynamics allows us to achieve an efficient and creative approach that drives the success and growth of the company.


Structurign participatory processes

The structuring of participatory processes involves designing and organising the development of activities that encourage citizen or stakeholder participation with the aim of collecting, contrasting and debating opinions and points of view of all those involved in the process of conceptualizing a project or the development of a public policy, creating a framework that ensures transparency and inclusivity.


Design, execution and analysis of online surveys

Online surveys are very powerful tools for gathering opinions on very specific aspects. At MomentumCo we use them to initiate strategic reflections or participatory processes. Thus, the exploitation and structuring of the results is presented in a face-to-face work session to contrast and complement, allowing us to invest less time but in a more effective and collaborative way in the session itself.


Facilitation of workshops with different methodologies

At MomentumCo, we have run hundreds of participatory sessions using different methodologies, always looking for the one that best achieves the established objectives. The key point of any participatory work session is a good preparation at a logistical, technical and methodological level, ensuring that participants feel comfortable and confident to express their opinions and creating an environment conducive to collaboration.


Technical secretariat of the participation councils

The municipal councils of citizen participation are a very powerful tool to establish a dialogue between the municipal team and the citizens, generally represented by territorial or sectorial entities and organisations. At MomentumCo we have been providing strategic and logistical support to municipal councils for years through the Technical Secretariat, working closely with interested parties to develop effective mechanisms.

Other services

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Strategy definition

  • Institutional and corporate strategy.
  • Non-profit organisation and networks.
  • Strategic thinking processes.
  • Facilitation of sessions.

Implementation and monitoring

  • Action plans and management office.
  • Implementation of the strategy.
  • Monitoring of achievement indicators.
  • Degree of progress of key projects.

Organizational improvement

  • Process maps and improvement plans.
  • Organisational evolution.
  • Redefinition of processes.
  • Administrative simplification.

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