Organizational improvement

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Organizational improvement

Transforming organizational efficiency and innovation

On the road to business optimisation, the importance of process mapping, improvement plans and process redefinition is highlited to achieve constant organisational evolution. Administrative simplification becomes a key tool to boost efficiency and effectiveness in all areas of the organisation, ensuring a smooth and success-focused operation.


Process maps and improvement plans

The structuring of tasks into processes is a fundamental practice that contributes significantly to systematising the way teams work. Through the creation and use of process maps, it provides a broader and more coherent view of the activities that are carried out, organises the way of working, identifies dysfunctions or aspects for improvement and proposes actions for improvement for the future, all in a very visual way.


Organizational evolution

On a regular basis, it is necessary to carry out a small-scale organisational analysis in order to identify areas for improvement and to be able to propose future improvements. The review of aspects such as organisation charts, definitions of responsibilities and team structures, among others, is essential to question them after a few years in order to open a reflection on whether it is necessary to implement improvement actions.


Redefining processes

Just because a task has always been carried out in a specific way, it does not mean that it is the best or the most efficient way to do it. In a context with a great need to improve the productivity of the teams, from MomentumCo, we support the analysis and redefinition of processes to improve those inefficiencies that may exist, always with the knowledge and collaboration of the teams themselves.


Administrative simplification

In the public sector, administrative simplification for citizens is one of the main challenges for the future. Although it has been years since this vision has been integrated into the teams that carry out any kind of procedures, there is still a long way to go in this area. MomentumCo has accompanied many teams in moving towards administrative simplification, establishing innovative strategies and solutions.

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Strategy definition

  • Institutional and corporate strategy.
  • Non-profit organisation and networks.
  • Strategic thinking processes.
  • Facilitation of sessions.

Implementation and monitoring

  • Action plans and strategy execution.
  • Identification of key indicators.
  • Periodic monitoring of progress.
  • Project management office.

Encouraging participation

  • Structuring of sessions.
  • Design and analysis of surveys.
  • Participatory dynamics.
  • Brainstorming sessions.

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